Friday, December 15, 2023

Brief Update

For the past couple of months, my StepMom & I have been working on the hoard that has been my life these past few years. It's been both gratifying and horrifying at the same time. Aside from some bits, I have reached the point of "just throw it all out." Unfortunately, I have to weed out the stuff that I want/need to keep. And, between bouts of heavy lifting, I need to live my life and work. That's been a challenge. But there has been progress. 

Theoretically, in a blog, I would post pictures and share the horror. Feel safe that I am not doing that. Well, and laugh because I cannot figure out how to get a decent picture with my phone's camera. Truthfully, that's sad because I live in an apartment complex that has a wonderful bird population as well as being on the Pacific Flyway for the annual commute.

Well, tomorrow is a "rest" day. I'll be at the grocery store about 6 am; then the Dollar Tree when it opens. The UPS Store opens at 9:00 and I'll need to get to an auto supply somewhere in there for new windshield wipers. Then home to put it all away and then work on the apartment. . . .well, maybe a nap before working on the apartment. (At least that's the plan.)

Wish me luck.

Sunday, October 1, 2023

So much for staying on track

I hit rock bottom in my life. No details will be provided other than to say, included in that bottom is the issue of me having a hoarding problem. After considering all the things that one does when one deals with when extremely depressed and facing the bottom; recognizing that I am not ready to go on to my next life (not done with this one yet), I broke down and asked for help. And ho boy. I got help. As in lots and unbelievable help. Setting aside the money issues, the hoard was a problem that I didn't even address with my hero & shero. 

I had been picked up and taken to my folk's house in the town just south of me. I thought we would be talking in a coffee shop, but no. They took me home and fed me and we talked and went over everything. And then, I was taken back to my car several hours later (and, just in time to avoid my car being towed because it had been there too long). As we were pulling into the parking space next to my car, My StepMom told me that she would be at my apartment at 10 the following Saturday and we would start work on the hoard. She hugged me and sent me on my way. 

I got home and cried. And cried. 

T, except when I've been sick, has been to my apartment every weekend. She has worked with me for several hours, helped me haul stuff for keeping and/or sorting later to my storage unit. She has hauled stuff to the dumpster. She has taken all of the pre-packaged Goodwill boxes to the Goodwill and taken two boxes of shredding home to shred. I had given myself permission to pay for the shredding, but she refused that option. 

One of the things that she explained to me was that when I no longer had money, I had forgotten how to be a poor person and that my mindset was still at "Ms. Got Rocks." And she's right. I've had to let her know about any purchases and provide why it is a need and not a want. Oh, the difference between need and want is something that we need to re-learn over and over again. And so, I am learning. 

I know that I have a few more weeks to go on the current part of the hoard clean-out. The next part will be going through all the books to determine what to keep and what to sell/donate/give away. That will be a several days/weeks project on its own. I have 8 full size bookshelves along with boxes of books. BOXES! I already know that most of the fiction is going. A large chunk of the cookbooks is going. Oh, and the knitting supplies that I cannot use due to arthritis. There are bins of yarn; drawers of needles and other accessories; and shelves of books. The spinning wheel I will be keeping, but I should part ways with the bins of wool for spinning. And so on. 

And that's where I've been and will be for the next few weeks. 

It is October and the start of the Shadow months. Some of my brethren wall it "witchy season." Guys, every day is witchy season. The Shadow months are those months where we focus on the inner self. The shadow side. We work to heal what needs to be healed. And we acknowledge that we are humans in need of healing. And self-love. I doubt that I'll post much on that as it is a deeply personal activity, however I may share sources for those who are interested. If you are reading this and have an interest, post a comment. 

Brightest Blessings to you. 


Saturday, August 5, 2023

It's been a very, very long time

Back in 2010, I decided to blog, again (I killed my prior blog a couple of years prior); but then was coerced into promising my manager to not blog. So I complied. 

And now I am bored and lonely and really, really need a writing outlet. So here I am. The past few years would have been an interesting mix of political, work-related, as well as spiritual writings. And aren't we all lucky that I missed out on the first two. The last one is a mixed bag,  but aren't they all.